Journal History

Jurnal Pertahanan dan Bela Negara is a forum for lecturers, researchers, and students to improve academic qualifications and competencies, as well as a manifestation of intellectual contributions to scientific developments in the field of Defense and State Defense through scientific writing in the form of both studies and research results. Jurnal Pertahanan dan Bela Negara is published once every four months in a year, namely April, August, and December.
  1. Since Volume 13, Number 1 2023, the manuscript written and submitted in English (American), and Indonesian language.
  2. Since Volume 13, Number 2 2023, Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, M.M, who has been one of the reviewers for the Jurnal Pertahanan dan Bela Negara for many years, will now take on a new role as the Editor.
  3. Since Volume 13, Number 3 2023, Dr. I Nengah Putra Apriyanto, S.T., M.Si, who has been one of the reviewers for the Jurnal Pertahanan dan Bela Negara for many years, will now take on a new role as the Editor in Chief.