(1) Republic of Indonesia Defense University
(2) Republic of Indonesia Defense University
(3) Republic of Indonesia Defense University
(*) Corresponding Author
The focus of warfare has transformed from traditional armed forces to asymmetric warfare, resulting in the rise of extremism across various layers of society. This research explores the decline of Pancasila values among Indonesian Tourist Guide Association members. This study aims to formulate appropriate strategies that uphold Pancasila values within the framework of the tourism industry. The study employs a rigorous library research methodology, reviewing various academic literature, including books, training material, and prior research. Additionally, observational analyses of the tourist guide training process are conducted to determine its correlation with contemporary violence involving tourist guides. The research recommends that relevant institutions adapt the existing training curriculum by integrating additional instructional material on Pancasila values and their practical application within the nuanced context of the tourism industry. Addressing this issue, the study, particularly within the Indonesian Tourist Guide Association, contributes significantly to the scholarly discourse on countering extremism and violence.
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