Indonesia's Strategic Role in Palestine-Israel Peace

Shofaa Qurrota Ayun(1*),

(1) Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University
(*) Corresponding Author


Indonesia has consistently fought for Palestinian independence through parliamentary diplomacy and continues to increase its diplomatic role to support the formation of an independent Palestinian state. The aim of this research is to determine Indonesia's strategic role in Palestinian-Israeli peace consisting of various diplomatic and political efforts undertaken by the Indonesian government to support the rights of the Palestinian people and resolve the conflict between Palestine and Israel. The results of this research are. Indonesia is active in various international forums such as the UN and OIC, supporting resolutions that side with Palestine. Indonesia also uses its position as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council to advocate for the protection of the Palestinian people and the resolution of the conflict through peaceful negotiations. Indonesia provides humanitarian assistance through UNRWA and ICRC, as well as supports increasing the capacity of Palestinian human resources through training and education programs within the NAASP framework.


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di halaman pada Rabu, 21 September 2022 -20:02 WIB oleh Tika Vidya Utami/Litbang MPI dengan judul "Cara Warga Israel Masuk Indonesia Meski Tak Ada Hubungan Diplomatik. Sindonews.


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