ASEAN Regional Forum and the South China Sea: Examining CBMs for Regional Stability in the Indo-Pacific

Afri Emilia Br Sembiring(1*), Anak Agung Banyu Perwita(2), Rizerius Eko Hadisancoko(3), Adelia Wulandari(4), Harlette Naudy Gea Avanantsoa(5),

(1) Defense University
(2) Defense University
(3) Defense University
(4) Defense University
(5) Defense University
(*) Corresponding Author


The Indo-Pacific region has emerged as a pivotal area in global geopolitics, characterized by shifting power dynamics and contested territorial claims, particularly evident in the South China Sea (SCS). The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) serves as a crucial platform for dialogue and cooperation among nations in the Indo-Pacific, aiming to promote confidence-building measures (CBMs) to mitigate tensions and enhance regional stability. This article examines the evolution of ARF's role in security and cooperation, highlighting its efforts in promoting CBMs and preventive diplomacy. Through qualitative analysis and case studies, the paper assesses the effectiveness of CBMs in managing security dynamics, particularly in the context of the South China Sea disputes. Despite challenges, ARF's role in facilitating dialogue and promoting cooperation underscores its significance in fostering peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. Recommendations are provided to enhance ARF's effectiveness, including strengthening ASEAN's leadership, promoting dialogue among participants, and adopting a strategic approach to CBMs implementation. Overall, ARF's contributions to regional security underscore the importance of multilateral cooperation in addressing complex security challenges in the Indo-Pacific.


ARF, CBMs, South China Sea


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