Carotenoid Content Test of Drought-Tolerant Inpago Paddy Cultivars to Support National Food Security

Elsa Qonita Azzahroh(1), Dustyn Putra Vardhana(2), Miftahul Huda Fendiyanto(3*),

(1) Study Program of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Bogor, Indonesia
(2) Study Program of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Bogor, Indonesia
(3) Study Program of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Bogor, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the staple crops that plays a significant role in national food security in Indonesia. Rice plants require 75% water for growth, however, drought poses a major challenge in the production of cereal crops. Climate change is a contributing factor to drought conditions. Inpago cultivar is an excellent variety suitable for cultivation in dry land in Indonesia. This study examines the carotenoid content in drought-tolerant Inpago rice cultivars to support national food security. The method used was UV-Vis spectrophotometry at 470, 646, and 662 nm wavelengths. The procedures involved sample extraction, separation, measurement, and data analysis. The data obtained showed that the carotenoid content in Inpago 5 was 286.84 mg/g dry weight, Inpago 7 was 131.36 mg/g dry weight, and Inpago 10 was 139.18 mg/g dry weight. It can be concluded that rice with the Inpago 5 genotype represents a new superior variety with high drought tolerance.


Carotenoid; Drought Tolerant; Food; Inpago; Paddy

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