Implementation of Military Incident Management System in Disaster Management in Indonesia
(1) Manajemen Bencana, Universitas Pertahanan
(2) Disaster Management, National Security Faculty, Indonesia Defense University
(3) Disaster Management, National Security Faculty, Indonesia Defense University
(4) TNI AD Supply and Transportation Unit, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
Indonesia’s success in disaster management cannot be separated from the military’s role. The military plays a strategic role by mobilizing military resources on a massive scale through the military command system. However, the ability of Indonesian Army (TNI AD) soldiers and organizations, in general, is considered to have limited capabilities specifically for personnel handling natural disasters. This research aims to map the disaster management implemented by the Indonesian Army in disaster response through the Incident Management System. Data collection was conducted interactively through qualitative methods with in-depth interviews with the Indonesian Army’s Supply and Transportation Unit (Pusbekangad). The research results show that the Indonesian Army (TNI AD) has competent resources in disaster response, involving the Indonesian Army’s Supply and Transportation Unit, which has primary skills and capabilities in logistics and transportation. These capabilities are facilitated by the Incident Management System, which is structured, systematic, and well-organized. The Incident Management System built by the Indonesian Army involves an incident commander, operation section, planning section, logistics section, finance/administration section, driver section, and the cooking team as a trained, capable, experienced, and ready-to-deploy ad-hoc organization in all operational areas. Indonesian Army uses the Incident Management System to respond to disasters such as earthquakes in Cianjur, South Kalimantan floods, and West Sulawesi floods. The Incident Management System serves
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